Professional Experience
Levon Kyurkchyan is a highly respected criminal defense attorney with LA Defense Team which he founded with Michael Berg. Their practice exclusively handles criminal defense matters established on the principal that everyone should receives the same top-notch legal representation available to celebrities at a fraction of the cost. Levon has successfully represented a broad range of individuals and businesses accused of crimes such as theft, burglary, drug crimes, DUI, violent crimes, and juvenile offenses. He has developed a reputation for honesty, trustworthiness, credibility and, above all, effective criminal defense. Levon is a graduate of Whittier College, School of Law and has practiced criminal defense exclusively since his admittance to the State Bar of California.
- Whittier College, School of Law - J.D.
Bar Associations
- State Bar of California
Free Case Evaluation
Tell us what happened, the criminal defense attorneys at LA Defense Team have the compassion and skills that are necessary for success. You can call us at 888.589.9994 for a free telephone consultation or fill out the form below.